FREE Step-by-Step Guide To Marketing Your Company Online

Below you will find our guide to effectively marketing your company online.

In the following content you will find out how to…

Chapter 1:
Formulate a marketing plan

Chapter 2:
Get your website on top of Google

Chapter 3:
Promote your company online

Chapter 4:
Practical ways to use Social Media

Chapter 1:

Formulate a marketing plan

This step-by-step guide to formulating a plan to market your company online will help your company grow.

Developing a marketing plan and strategy is critical to your company’s success. Marketing is the strategic plan you prepare that examines your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Your plan should include the areas in which you have a competitive advantage, the market(s) you will target your sales focus on, the demographics of your chosen market, and the pricing structure you plan to use.

Understanding these necessary steps is important to creating and implementing a marketing plan for your company. The marketing budget size will vary, as will your target audience. Ultimately, the development of a marketing strategy comes down to similar steps that can be used for any size company. It must be thorough and thoughtfully analysed, and it must be articulated to your staff and stakeholders. Your marketing plan, just like your financial plan, must be monitored and adjusted as needed, and it must also be adaptable to changing competitive environments.

Determine Your Objective

What is the goal of your marketing plan? A robust strategy must first start with a measurable SMART goal that you can quantitatively measure your results against. If you have a company with multiple vertical markets, such as a commercial property group that specialises in residential property development, you should have a distinct marketing plan for each business line. They may overlap in places and actually should, but your market for each is very different and should be treated accordingly.

Perform a SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

SWOT Analysis will help develop a marketing plan and strategy and allow you to keep an eye on the landscape your company operates within. The overall steps of analysis are as follows:


What does your company do well? Where do you have a competitive advantage? How strong is the core of your company? (People, processes, etc.)


Where do you need improvement as a company? Where are you at a competitive disadvantage? Do you lack key team members or processes in your core business?


Where do you see opportunities in your business? What competitors are weak in process and staff areas where you are strong? What services could you begin to provide as upsells that are tangential to your core business and appear to be a natural fit? Can you go after their clients? Brainstorm for opportunities and get the entire staff involved – you will be amazed at some of the ideas field staff see in the marketplace that you don’t see in the office.


What market conditions exist to challenge your company? Is your core business in danger of becoming outdated or replaced with the latest technologies? If so, are you developing strategies to counteract these changes and offer revised services? What other potential problems exist (financing, overall economy, changing demographics)?


Analyse your current market

Creating a marketing objective and performing a SWOT analysis provides you with critical pieces of the puzzle:
i. An aim and objective, and
ii. An analysis of areas of specialisation that you see as potential revenue streams.

Your team should ask themselves what market(s) (opportunities) align most closely with your aim and objective. Where does your company have a competitive advantage? At all times, compete in the areas in which you see the potential for growth, where you are active and where your company has a competitive advantage. This approach doesn’t mean you shouldn’t begin to work in areas you see as having the potential for growth that doesn’t yet have an advantage. The goal of a marketing plan is not to stifle growth but to strategically allocate capital to its most efficient use.

Create a marketing budget for your company

Creating a marketing budget isn’t easy, but you must always be ready to consider the return on investment for any marketing activity that you undertake. Generally, businesses that have been established for over five years and have some brand equity and market share should spend around 6-12% of their gross revenue on marketing to maintain their current position. Companies that have been operating for one to five years and looking to grow or gain a more significant market share should budget a higher percentage – usually around 12-20 %.

Remember, emerging brands are looking to capture new market share and develop brand recognition within a marketplace that has absolutely no idea who they are. That’s why it’s so expensive. Once the brand is established and a portion of the market is brand-conscious, that number drops significantly.

Develop a strategy and list tactics to market your company

Once you have created your marketing aims and objectives, performed a SWOT analysis on your organisation, developed a core list of revenue streams that you feel confident in marketing and established your budget, the object here is to determine the channels that you will utilise to achieve your objective. Analyse and re-analyse your buyer personas and target market, and plan to promote to them accordingly. Your current and past clientele is a fantastic resource for developing buyer personas and creating a mix that will attract them to you as often and efficiently as possible.

Monitor the results

You have to check to see if your efforts are working. See where you are in relation to last year and monitor client feedback. Just like job costs, marketing must be measured as well.

In itself, creating a marketing plan won’t magically bring results. 

Created faithfully, a marketing plan will allow you the opportunity to efficiently get to know your company and how best it fits competitively into your marketplace. It is a very competitive landscape, and a well-constructed and thoughtful marketing plan will assist your business in working to allocate resources most efficiently and earn business in markets where you have a competitive advantage.



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Chapter 2:

Get your website on top of Google

How often do you click through to the second page of Google’s search engine results?

Never? No one does.

Less than 3% of people bother to scroll beyond the first page of results.

That’s why most businesses are so keen to get their company at the very top of the first page of Google. Everyone has their own ideas on marketing your company online and getting it listed at the top of the search results. Here are a few proven methods that actually work.

There are a few different areas where your content can show up in the search results:

  1. PPC Ads: These are paid ads that can show up at the top, bottom, or in other prominent positions on the search results page.
  2. Organic Listings: These are the regular search results that show up below the ads. Google decides their order based on how useful and relevant they think the sites are.
  3. Local Listings: These show up in the middle, usually with a map, and are really useful for local businesses.


What goes into Google’s ranking algorithm?

Understanding the key factors in Google’s ranking algorithm is essential for improving your website’s visibility in search results. With frequent updates to the algorithm, here are the most crucial elements to focus on if you want your company to appear on the first page of Google’s search results:

  1. Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your website is optimised for mobile devices. Google’s mobile-first indexing means it primarily uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking.
  2. Content Quality and E-A-T: High-quality, relevant, and informative content is critical. Google values content that demonstrates Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). Ensure your content is well-researched, well-written, and provides real value to users.
  3. Core Web Vitals: Page speed, interactivity, and visual stability are now part of Google’s Core Web Vitals. To enhance user experience, optimise your site to load quickly, respond rapidly to user inputs, and avoid layout shifts.
  4. User Experience (UX): A positive user experience is increasingly important. This includes factors like easy navigation, clear structure, and a lack of intrusive interstitials. Google’s page experience update emphasises the importance of good UX.
  5. Social Signals: Engagement on social media can indirectly impact your rankings. While not a direct ranking factor, a strong social presence can drive traffic and improve your site’s credibility.
  6. Quality Backlinks: Links from reputable and authoritative sites remain crucial. Focus on building a diverse and natural backlink profile to boost your site’s authority.
  7. Optimised Images and Media: Use high-quality images and videos that are properly optimised with relevant alt text and file names. This helps with both SEO and accessibility, and Google’s emphasis on visual content continues to grow.
  8. Search Intent and Relevance: Understand and match the search intent behind queries. Ensure your content aligns with what users are looking for, whether informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial investigation.
  9. Structured Data and Rich Snippets: Implementing structured data can enhance your search listings with rich snippets, providing additional context to search engines and improving click-through rates.
  10. Local SEO: For businesses with a physical presence, optimising for local search is vital. Ensure your Google My Business listing is accurate and up-to-date, and gather positive reviews to boost local visibility.

Concentrating on these key areas and staying current with Google’s latest algorithm updates can significantly improve your chances of ranking higher on Google.


How can I get on page one of Google for Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns?

If you want to get on the first page of Google quickly, investing in paid search through PPC campaigns is the way to go. However, investing in long-term organic SEO methods, such as Inbound Digital Marketing, is also essential. SEO campaigns can take several months to deliver results, so you’re unlikely to see significant increases in organic (non-paid) traffic, qualified leads, and sales early in your investment.

PPC ads have always been a faster and more cost-effective way to generate more leads and sales online. While many marketers and advertisers acknowledge that some users have “ad blindness” towards PPC listings—meaning they purposely do not click on paid ads—PPC remains an effective strategy.

On the Google results page, PPC ads typically occupy the top and bottom quarters. The ranking of these ads depends on several factors:

  1. Ad Relevance: The relevance of the ad content to the user’s search query is crucial. Google evaluates this through its Quality Score, which considers the relevance of the keywords, the quality of the landing page, and the ad text.
  2. Bid Amount: The amount you are willing to pay per click (CPC) also influences your ad position. Higher bids can lead to better ad placements, but balancing cost and performance is essential.
  3. Landing Page Experience: The quality and relevance of the landing page that the ad links to are important. A well-optimised, user-friendly landing page can improve your Quality Score and, consequently, your ad rank.
  4. Ad Extensions: Using ad extensions, such as site links, callouts, and structured snippets, can improve your ad’s visibility and click-through rate (CTR), thereby enhancing your ad rank.
  5. Ad Copy: Compelling and relevant ad copy that resonates with your target audience can significantly impact your ad’s performance. Test different variations to find the most effective messaging.

PPC ads often outrank organic search results, providing a significant advantage to companies willing to invest. If you’re not investing in PPC, you’ll likely give your competition those clicks. Focusing on these key elements and continually optimising your PPC campaigns can improve your chances of appearing on the first page of Google search results.


Can I improve my organic Google rankings with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and get my website to appear higher in search engines?

Half of the search results page is now dominated by paid ad results, so if you want to rank higher in search engines without paying, you’ll need to rely on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Your goal should be to get into one of the top three organic positions. Achieving this can be challenging. Adding content to your website is the most effective way to reach these top spots. High-quality content that provides valuable information and context not only boosts your rankings but also enhances the user experience for your visitors. Additionally, the more quality information you have on your site, the more likely others are to reference and link to it. These backlinks signal to search engines that your website is authoritative, leading to higher visibility in search engine results.

However, SEO goes beyond content creation. From a technical standpoint, you also need to ensure search engines can crawl, understand, and index your website efficiently. This involves improving your site speed, optimising your site’s navigation menu for search engines, creating a well-structured XML sitemap, and ensuring your site is responsive for mobile and tablet users.


How to Improve Local SEO for More Local Leads

If you’re looking to attract local business, it’s crucial to leverage Local SEO (LSEO) to appear in the local listings on the first page of Google, located between the PPC ads and organic listings.

Optimise your Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) citations across the web to show up in these local listings. The more local citations you can build with consistent NAP information, the better. Local SEO requires specific strategies tailored to local businesses:

  • Google My Business: Optimise your Google My Business profile with accurate information, photos, and regular updates.
  • Local Citations: Ensure your business information (NAP) is consistent across local directories, review sites, and social media platforms.
  • Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your Google My Business profile and other review platforms.
  • Local Content: Create locally relevant and useful content for your target audience.

By focusing on these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you can improve your organic rankings and attract more local leads to your business.


What else can I do to get to the top of the first page of Google?


Google loves to display a wide variety of media in its search results, including videos, to enhance the user experience. Videos are 60% more likely to get ranked in a search result than a landing page on the same topic.

Embedding videos on your website via YouTube is an excellent strategy to increase your visibility in related search results. You can also use YouTube ads to effectively promote your videos and bypass organic search with a lower cost per view.


Optimising the images on your site can help you appear on the first page of Google when it displays image results. Make sure to use descriptive filenames, alt text, and captions that are relevant to your content.


Publishing press releases for your business can potentially earn you a spot in the News section of Google, especially for branded terms. This can increase your visibility and credibility in the eyes of potential customers.

Social Channels

In addition to well-known social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (now known as X), TikTok, and LinkedIn, there are other social platforms that can improve your chances of appearing on the first page of Google. These include:

  • Pinterest: Great for visual content and can drive traffic through image searches.
  • Reddit: Provides a platform for discussions and sharing content that can rank well in search results.
  • Quora: Ideal for answering questions related to your industry and driving traffic to your website.
  • Snapchat: Effective for reaching a younger demographic and creating engaging content.
  • Medium: A blogging platform that can help you reach a wider audience and improve your authority in your industry.

By actively participating on these platforms, sharing valuable content, and engaging with your audience, you can increase your chances of appearing on the first page of Google search results. This multifaceted approach enhances your online presence and overall digital marketing strategy.



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Chapter 3:

Marketing your company online

Modern marketing contradicts more traditional marketing strategies

Outbound marketing strategies typically include trade shows, direct marketing, telemarketing, and anything that ‘pushes’ the promotion onto the prospect. Inbound marketing does the opposite; it ‘pulls’ the audience in with resources that prospects are searching for.

Your buyer personas seek information before purchase and immediately before the purchase. Provide them with the information they seek, and you’ll stay top-of-mind when they’re ready to buy. Inbound digital marketing is a great way to build awareness and establish your company. Not only will your company be top of mind for the client when deciding on their service provider, but when done right, they’ll think of you as an industry expert, increasing your chances of being hired for the project.


Thought leadership

Thought leadership is the best way to build trust and respect for your brand. Excellent thought leadership brings consumers to you when they are searching for information. Establishing yourself as an expert in your industry through thought leadership is crucial for considered purchases. Your content should be educational. Avoid promotional tones. Create quality educational content that builds trust, including case studies, whitepapers, videos, and surveys.



A blog for your company is a must. It’s another way to expand your thought leadership strategy. Frequently update your firm’s blog to attract the attention of both peers and clients. Blogs are also a great way to generate valuable leads. Creating a call to action (CTA) below the fold on your blog allows your prospect to download your offers and keep up to date with relevant news and content. By capturing their contact information, you will be able to deliver relevant content to convert visitors to qualified leads. A blog is also beneficial for building your SEO rank: it builds your indexed page count, provides new and relevant website content, increases traffic to your website, and uses keywords associated with your business.


Social Media

Social media is one of the most interactive marketing channels. It allows you to talk directly to industry professionals, clients, and potential employees. Social media is a great way to update followers about your company and respond to discussions. It’s also a great way to share your content, increasing website traffic. When creating a social media strategy, keep in mind which channels you will use. X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn are the most frequently used social platforms, but companies could also do well on YouTube, Instagram, or Pinterest. Daring companies can try Snapchat, TikTok, Tumblr, Periscope, or some other platforms – just make sure your target audience exists and you create content that users want to consume. Make sure to post frequently; dormant accounts hurt your brand image. Also, consider adding links to your social platforms on your website and links to your site from the platforms. This will enable end users to jump on the platform to access your website and vice-versa.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Most searchers don’t look beyond the first page or even the first three results. That being said, it’s critical for your business to improve its SEO ranking. Be sure to optimise both locally and beyond. Review your website to make sure it’s search engine optimised, maintain consistent citations, and update your page with new content frequently. Your social media presence increasingly plays a role in your SEO as well. Search engines may look at this along with engagement when determining your rank within your category.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

If your SEO is weak, improving your rank will take time and money. It’s smart to consider PPC advertising until you have a strong organic ranking, allowing your company site to rank on the first page of search results and, with enough money, at the top of the search page. In some commercial searches, PPC outranks organic search results, which is very beneficial to companies that are willing to invest.


Leverage events

Be them Live or Virtual; events are another way to establish thought leadership and generate qualified leads. A cost-efficient and effective way to discuss industry pain points and topics is via a webcast. With consumers increasingly preferring audio and visual content, this is a great way to connect. Webcasts and other events allow the consumer to participate, which helps to build your relationship actively.


Call-to-Action (CTA)

Use CTAs on all content. Always have registration forms and contact forms on your website and blog. This allows your content to create conversion. Create content that uses action verbs or offers incentives for registering or entering the business. Be sure to place CTAs somewhere where they’ll be seen, without distractions, and can be clicked on. Track their effectiveness and their placement, then make updates based on your findings. You can do this by using sales and marketing automation software or by consulting with an ‘Inbound Digital Marketing Agency’ who will be able to assist you in ensuring that you see a return on investment for your advertising efforts.


Integrate with PR

Unlike traditional PR, which pushes press releases and statements onto the consumer, inbound PR allows your audience to find your company’s stories and news. This can be through web searches, social media posts, or site content.


Word of mouth

Good content creates word of mouth. Spread the word through social sharing by encouraging your target audience to discuss findings with a colleague and spreading your name to someone new. Creating shareable content gets you in front of the eyes of your audience’s audience.


Are Your Marketing Tactics up to date?

Don’t fit the common assumption of being behind on technology and new marketing tactics. Allow your marketing strategy to evolve. Inbound marketing is an increasingly preferred marketing method, and it makes sense. It’s interactive and pulls the client to your company rather than your company pushing promotion onto them. Great content builds awareness and establishes your brand as an expert. Do consider employing the services of an agency that can service all of your inbound marketing needs.


Integrated Inbound Digital Marketing

Finally, integrate your inbound digital marketing with outbound. Cross-promote using both methods. Promote your website, content, or social media channels at trade shows, or share your attendance at an industry trade show online. Have the two marketing strategies work together. This will lead you to create your most effective marketing strategy.



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Chapter 4:

Practical ways to use Social Media to market your company

Do you quickly want to build online traffic to grow your company?

Publishing on social media will do just that for you. Social media publishing is the practice of sharing content that your buyer personas would find relevant, and that results in building relationships and trust with them online. It is an integral part of inbound digital marketing.

An excellent marketing campaign intersects your target buyers where they are. Where are your buyer personas in today’s world of the Internet? They are online. Let’s look at five hot trends you can use to boost traffic and leads by using social media in your company’s marketing strategy.


Social Media – Share Relevant Information

Your goal in publishing on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and other social media channels should be to engage your buyer personas using short, easily digestible and exciting bits of media. Share information that will educate your prospects and position you as an authority in your field. Photos, infographics, links to interesting articles, links to other posts, X (formerly Twitter) re-tweets, and your insights are great to share. Your goal should be to project a real, relaxed (socially), easy-to-connect-with image. Do post a photo of your new project, sharing what plans you have, or a picture of your office party or your latest achievement.

If you are not having fun with social media, it is unlikely it will be working for you (because you are not social).

Use the rule of thirds: 

1/3 of your social content should promote your business, convert readers, and generate profit.
Another 1/3 of your social content should surface and share ideas and stories from thought leaders in your industry or similar companies.
And finally, but by no means least, 1/3 of your social content should be based on personal interactions.


Publish Often

If you had an ongoing conversation with your wife/husband, best friend, or colleague at work but then said nothing to them for the following two weeks, wouldn’t that seem strange? Same with social media. When and how often should you post? Each social network’s culture will determine how often and how much you post. X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn limit you to a certain amount of characters, while Facebook readers will be looking for more extended content.

Want to automate your publishing? Use a social media dashboard like the one available in the HubSpot automation platform or Hootsuite. You might want to consider hiring the services of an inbound digital marketing specialist to help you to master this crucial step in the advertising of your company.


Create a Style Guide

Companies get busy trying to keep up with contract milestones – not to mention keeping up with social media publishing. Create a style guide or a styles chapter in your procedures manual to help keep your organisation on track.

Your style guide should:

  • List styles for each social media channel
  • Feature a publishing calendar.
  • Include a timetable to check metrics.


Test, Review and Revise

Unlike the ever-changing marketing trends of an electronics company, social media marketing trends for many companies change more slowly. Within a short time frame, you’ll identify what is working to develop leads and what is not.

As social media moves faster than your website, post your blog article on social media more than once but not at the same time. A decent article written for your industry is not going to go stale very soon. However, social media becomes outdated very quickly. X (formerly Twitter), for example, deletes your old tweets after you reach your allotment of 3,200, so keep things fresh by posting often.


Track Data

What would one qualified lead be worth to you? A certain percentage of your potential clients who engage with you on social media will convert. Would you find it useful if you could track this return on investment (ROI)?

You can track ROI manually or by using tracking software such as Google Analytics (free) or some in-depth software packages you’d have to pay for, such as HubSpot.

What to review:

  • Average monthly visits.
  • Referrals from social media to your website.
  • Conversion rates.
  • Customers generated.


Recommended Social Media Platforms:


Video is people’s preferred way of interacting with a company. Creating videos you want to share on Instagram can be as simple as pointing your phone toward a job site and then uploading them to Instagram. Posting visuals to potential clients is a more dynamic way of showcasing what your company has to offer.


LinkedIn is one of the best social channels for building new business for your B2B companies online. Finding potential clients on LinkedIn is similar to how Yellow Pages used to work – your search can be as specific as searching for someone by name or company or as broad as looking for industry and region. Use your profile to post news and deals about your business. You can make connections, join trade groups, comment on other peoples’ posts and make one-on-one relationships.


Your Facebook page is excellent for posting industry and company news and special deals. Asking followers to spread the word about your business is an easy way to help new businesses find you.

X (formerly Twitter)

Your community is becoming more active on X (formerly Twitter) every day. The best way to build business is to find other companies you’re interested in working with, start following them and retweeting their posts. Building connections over X (formerly Twitter) just by retweeting or commenting on someone’s post is an easy way to build connections fast. When people follow you back, you can then direct message (DM) them to try and set up meetings or ask them if they want to learn more about how you can benefit their business.


Key takeaways from this chapter

  • Share consistent content that will educate to engage your buyer personas
  • Measure your results, and don’t be afraid to tweak what’s not working.
  • Social media is a vital channel for creating content for companies.



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