Branding, website and packaging for Supplement Brand, Well.Actually.



Create2Convert was approached by a new vitamin and supplement brand, Well.Actually, to establish its branding, website, and packaging from scratch. The challenge was to create a distinctive visual identity and digital presence that would effectively launch the brand and resonate with its target audience.


Create2Convert worked closely with Well.Actually to develop a comprehensive design solution that encompassed branding, website design, and packaging, focusing on creating a strong foundation for the brand’s identity and market presence.

  • Branding:
    • Developed a unique and cohesive visual identity that reflects the brand’s values and mission.
    • Designed a modern logo that captures the essence of the brand’s message and personality.
    • Carefully selected typography, colour palette, and graphic elements to ensure consistency and appeal across all brand materials.
  • Website:
    • Crafted a user-friendly and engaging interface that showcases Well.Actually’s products and highlights their benefits.
    • Incorporated features such as product descriptions, customer reviews, and detailed ingredient information to educate and build trust with visitors.
    • Designed with a responsive layout to ensure accessibility across different devices.
  • Packaging:
    • Created eye-catching and functional packaging designs that stand out on store shelves.
    • Ensured packaging design effectively communicates the brand’s message and connects with its target audience.
    • Utilised materials and finishing techniques that reflect the brand’s commitment to quality and sustainability.


The project was a success, achieving significant outcomes across all components:

  • Branding:
    • The new visual identity effectively communicates Well.Actually’s values and mission.
    • Consistent use of branding elements helps build brand recognition and identity.
  • Website:
    • The new website has received positive feedback for its usability and informative content.
    • Enhanced product visibility and information have driven engagement and conversions.
  • Packaging:
    • The new packaging designs have improved shelf appeal and consumer recognition.
    • Functional and aesthetic packaging has contributed to increased product visibility and sales.


Create2Convert’s collaboration with Well.Actually showcases our ability to deliver comprehensive design solutions that successfully launch new brands and establish a strong market presence. By creating a unique visual identity, user-friendly website, and standout packaging, we have positioned Well.Actually for growth and success in the competitive vitamin and supplement market.


Ready to elevate your brand with expert logo design and website development? Call 01376 51 66 86, message us, orĀ book a meeting online!