Logo and Website Design for Logistics Intelligence Platform

Logo design and website design for logistics
logistics software logo


Create2Convert was approached by a logistics intelligence provider to develop a new brand identity and design an intuitive online platform interface. The goal was to create a logo that captured the platform’s innovative approach to logistics and design a website interface that offered a seamless user experience, easy navigation, and a compelling showcase of the platform’s capabilities. The primary challenge was to blend innovation with usability, ensuring the brand stood out while driving user engagement.


We began by engaging with the client to thoroughly understand their business objectives, target audience, and unique value propositions. This insight guided our design strategy for creating a distinctive brand identity and a user-friendly website interface design.

  1. Logo Design:
    • We crafted a modern and impactful logo that symbolises strength, adaptability, and reliability in handling complex supply chain operations, reflecting the business’ commitment to delivering robust logistical solutions. It also signifies its role in connecting and supporting businesses while conveying trustworthiness and resilience.
    • The colour palette was chosen to evoke trust and reliability, key attributes and values that were identified for the business.
    • Typography was selected to enhance readability and convey a professional and tech-forward image.
  2. Website Interface Design:
    • We designed a clean, intuitive website layout, prioritising user engagement, user experience and ease of navigation.
    • The design featured engaging visuals and a consistent colour scheme to reinforce the brand identity.
    • We integrated responsive design principles to ensure the website was fully functional across all devices, catering to the diverse needs of the platform’s audience.

Results: The project delivered significant positive outcomes for the logistics intelligence platform:

  • Enhanced Brand Identity:
    • The new logo and cohesive branding strategy significantly elevated the platform’s market presence, making it easily recognisable and memorable.
  • Improved User Experience:
    • The responsive website design provided a seamless browsing experience across all devices, improving user satisfaction and engagement.
    • Clear navigation and compelling content effectively communicated the platform’s value propositions, leading to increased interest and enquiries from potential clients.
  • Increased Visibility and Engagement:
    • The professional and user-friendly design contributed to higher engagement rates and better overall user retention.

This project exemplifies our expertise in delivering tailored design solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs and help them achieve their business goals. Creating a strong brand identity and a user-focused website design for the online platform enabled Yak Logistics to stand out in a competitive market and attract its ideal audience.


Ready to elevate your brand with an outstanding logo design and website design that derives returns on investment for your business? Call 01376 51 66 86, message us, or book a meeting online!